Utilization of unani regimenal therapy for the management of insomnia: a rapid scoping review

  • Meraj Meraj PG Scholar, Dept. of ‘Ilāj bi’l Tadbīr (Regimenal Therapy), Hakim Syed Ziaul Hasan Government (Autonomous) Unani Medical College & Hospital AYUSH Campus, Nehru Nagar Kolar Bypass Road, Behind MANIT, Bhopal - 462003 (M.P.) India.
  • Abdul Rehman M.I Assistant Professor, Dept. of ‘Ilāj bi’l Tadbīr (Regimenal Therapy), Hakim Syed Ziaul Hasan Government (Autonomous) Unani Medical College & Hospital Bhopal, India.
  • Naseem Ahmad Khan Assistant Professor, Dept. of Munafeul Aza (Physiology), Hakim Syed Ziaul Hasan Government (Autonomous) Unani Medical College & Hospital Bhopal, India.
  • Sadique Husain Assistant Professor, Dept. of Ilmul Advia (Unani Pharmacology), Hakim Syed Ziaul Hasan Government (Autonomous) Unani Medical College & Hospital Bhopal, India.
  • Noushiba Khan PG Scholar, Dept. of Tahaffuzi Wa Samaji Tibb (Preventive & Social Medicine), Hakim Syed Ziaul Hasan Government (Autonomous) Unani Medical College & Hospital Bhopal, India.


Objective: To review existing clinical trials in humans having Unani Regimenal Therapy for the management of insomnia.

Data sources: A systematic review was conducted using PubMed, Google Scholar, and Google from January 2010 to March 2024.

Study selection: Keywords like “Insomnia, Sehar, Sahar, Bekhawbi” and “Ilaj bil Tadbeer, Unani Medicine, Greco-Arab Medicine” were used in the search strategy. Only studies in English were selected. Two reviewers independently screened the studies, and conflicts were resolved by consensus. Studies that do not list the Unani Regimenal Therapy were excluded.

Data extraction: A total of 22 articles were identified, and 7 were included in the final analysis. The following data were extracted: author, year of publication, intervention, outcome measures, and result.

Data synthesis: The results of the present review indicate that the implication of Unani Regimenal Therapy positively is beneficial in the management of insomnia.

Conclusion: Insomnia, resembling Sahar in Unani medicine, is typically treated with drugs in conventional medicine, often with adverse effects. However, the reviewed studies reveal the efficacy and safety of Unani Regimenal Therapy in alleviating insomnia symptoms without adverse effects. Early intervention with this therapy yields better outcomes, but more clinical trials are needed due to limited research. While some Regimenal Therapy modalities like Naṭūl (Irrigation Therapy), Tadhīn (Oiling), and Dalk (Therapeutic Massage) are explored, others remain unexplored. Overall, combining medicine with Unani Regimenal Therapy offers a promising approach to managing insomnia.

Keywords: Unani System of Medicine, Sahar, Regimenal Therapy, Natul, Insomnia


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How to Cite
Meraj M, M.I AR, Khan NA, Husain S, Khan N. Utilization of unani regimenal therapy for the management of insomnia: a rapid scoping review. World Journal of Current Med and Pharm Research [Internet]. 2024Jun.8 [cited 2025Jan.22];6(2):18-3. Available from: https://wjcmpr.com/index.php/journal/article/view/325
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