A Review on Stem Cellstherapyis A New Era in Type 2 Diabetes

  • Shaik Firoz Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice, QIS College of Pharmacy, Ongole, Prakasam District, AP-523272.
  • J. Sumavi Shekar Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice, QIS College of Pharmacy, Ongole, Prakasam District, AP-523272.
  • Tanniru Pavani Student, Department of Pharmacy Practice, QIS College of Pharmacy, Ongole, Prakasam District, AP-523272.
  • Kilaru Mounika Student, Department of Pharmacy Practice, QIS College of Pharmacy, Ongole, Prakasam District, AP-523272.


Diabetes is one of the most leading cause of death worldwide. Around 40 million diabetics are reported in India. Stem cell therapy is a branch of medicine that involves introducing stem cells into a diseased tissue which triggers the body’s ability to heal itself. Stem cell therapy is a latest technique which can be used to treat diabetes mellitus. In India the success rate of stem cell therapy in diabetes mellitus is approximately 70 - 80 %. As this stem cells may be harvested from the bone marrow, umbilical cord and matured adult. In the present review we are discussing about the use of stem cell therapy in type 2 diabetes and how it works. Type 2 diabetes mellitus results from combination of insulin resistance and dysfunction of insulin producing beta cells which cannot be reversed by existing therapeutic strategies, transplantation of stem cells which are differentiating into insulin producing cells is one of the most promising strategy for treating type 2 diabetes.

Keywords: Blood Cancers, Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Stem cell therapy, Totipotent, Type 2 Diabetes


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How to Cite
Firoz F, J SS, Tanniru P, Kilaru M. A Review on Stem Cellstherapyis A New Era in Type 2 Diabetes. World Journal of Current Med and Pharm Research [Internet]. 2020May1 [cited 2024Dec.6];2(2):206-10. Available from: https://wjcmpr.com/index.php/journal/article/view/127
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